16 Ways to Overcome Depression and Motivate Yourself

16 Ways to Overcome Depression and Motivate Yourself Friends, many times it happens that even if we start some work with great motivation, but due to some reasons, after some time we lose our motivation, and it seems difficult to get back on track I am sharing with you 16 ways to get out of such a state. Leo Babauta has written this post on his very popular blog Zen Habits, its title is “Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump” 

16 Ways to Overcome Depression and Motivate Yourself

16 Ways to Overcome Depression and Motivate Yourself

Even the most motivated of us—you, me, Tony Robbins (a self-help expert like Shiv Khera)—can feel demotivated every now and then. Even, sometimes we can feel so low that even thinking about positive change seems very difficult. But don’t despair: By taking small steps, you can get back on the path to positive change. Best [ 20+] English Motivational Quotes 2023

Yes, I know, sometimes it seems impossible. You don’t feel like doing anything. This has happened with me too, in fact I still feel like this from time to time. you’re not alone . But I’ve learned a few ways out of this frustration, and we’ll be taking a look at those today. Read More

When I am unable to exercise due to illness, injury or any other problem going on in life, then it is difficult to start it back. Sometimes, I don’t even want to think about it. But I always find some way to overcome that feeling, and here are some such things which prove to be helpful for me.

1. One Goal

Whenever I’ve been a little down, I’ve found that it’s often because I have a lot going on in my life at once. I’ve been trying to do too many things. And it kills my energy and motivation. Perhaps this is the most common mistake people make: they try to do too many things at once. If you try to achieve two or more goals at a time, then you cannot maintain your energy and focus (the two most important things to achieve the goal).

It’s not possible – I’ve tried several times. You have to choose one goal for now, and focus completely on it. I find it difficult, but I am telling from my experience. Once you achieve your current goal, then after that you can achieve the rest of your goals.

2. Find Inspiration

I get inspired by people who have already achieved what I want to do, or people who are doing what I want to do. I read other’s blogs, books, magazines. I google my goals, and read success stories. Zen Habits is one such place, not only from me but from many other readers who have achieved amazing things.

3. Get Excited

This sounds obvious, but most people don’t give it much thought: If you want to get over depression, get excited about a goal. But if you do not feel motivated then how will you feel excited? Well, it starts with taking inspiration from others, but you have to take inspiration from others and convert it into your own energy.

I have found that I can do this by talking to my wife and other people, reading more and more about it, and visualizing it. Seeing the benefits of achieving a goal in my mind that how it would feel to be successful, I start feeling excited. Once this is done, then there is only a need to carry this energy forward and move forward.

4.Build Expect Anticipation

This may sound a bit difficult, and others will skip this tip. But it really works. After several unsuccessful attempts, I was able to stop smoking because of this tip. If you get the motivation to achieve your goal, do not try to achieve it immediately.

Many of us would like to get excited and start our work today itself. This is a mistake. Set a future date – after a week or two, or even a month – and make it your Start Date. Mark it on the calendar. Get excited about that date. Make it the most important date of your life. Meanwhile make your plan. And follow some steps given below. Because by delaying your start, you build anticipation and increase your energy and focus towards your goal.

5. Post your goal

Take out a big print of your goal. Write your goal in a few words, like a mantra (“Exercise 15 mins. Daily”), and stick it on your wall or fridge. Put it in your office in your house, put it on the desktop of your computer. You want to set big reminders for your goals, so that you can focus on your goal and be excited about it. It can also be helpful to put a picture related to your goal (like a model with sexy abs, for example).

6.Commit Publicly

Nobody wants to look bad in front of others. We make extra effort to do what we have said publicly. For example, when I wanted to run my first marathon, I started writing a column about it in my local newspaper. The entire population of Guam came to know about this goal of mine.

Now I could not back down, although my motivation kept decreasing but I kept holding this goal and completed the race. You do not need to commit your goal in any newspaper, but you can share it with your family, friends, and Can tell co-workers, and if you have a blog, then you can write about it as well. And hold yourself responsible – don’t commit only once, but update everyone about your progress every week or month. Commit to do as well.

7. Think about it daily

If you think about your goal everyday then the chances of its completion are much higher. That’s why it’s helpful to mount your target on a wall or desktop. It is also helpful to send reminders to yourself everyday. And if you do this small work even for five minutes every day, then it is almost certain that your goal will be fulfilled.

8. Get Support. get help

It is difficult to achieve anything alone. When I decided to run a marathon, I had the support of friends and family, as well as a great community of runners in Guam who ran with me and encouraged me. When I wanted to quit smoking, I joined an online forum, which was very helpful for me. And in this work my wife Eva supported me at every step. I would not have been able to do this without his and other people’s help. Find your support network, either near you or online or both.

9. Realize that there’s an ebb and flow

Motivation is not something that stays with you forever. It comes, goes and comes again, like a tide. Understand this thing that even if it goes away, it does not go away forever. Motivation comes back. Just stick to your goal and wait for the motivation to come back. In the meantime read about your goal, seek help from others, and do some of the other things mentioned here until your motivation returns.

10. Stick with it. keep on

Whatever you do, don’t give up. Even if you are not feeling motivated at all today or this week, do not give up on your goal. Your motivation will come back again. Look at your goal like a long journey, and the demotivation that comes in between is just a speed-breaker. Little Pearls You don’t give up on the journey when obstacles come. Stick with your goal for the long run, ride the ups and downs and you will get there.

11.Start small. Really small start small

If you are having trouble getting started, it is probably because you are thinking too big. If you want to exercise, then maybe you are thinking that you have to do intense workout five days a week. No – take small baby steps instead. Exercise only for two minutes.

I know this must be feeling awkward to you. It’s so easy, you can’t fail. But you do it. Just some crunches, 2 pushups, and a little jogging. When you have done this for 2 minutes for a week, then increase it to five minutes, and do it for a week. In a month you will start doing 15-20 minutes. Want to wake up early? Don’t think of getting up at five in the morning, instead you wake up just 10 minutes earlier for a week. Once you have done this, get up 10 minutes more early. To install Baby Steps.

12. Build on small successes

Again, if you start with a small goal for a week, you will be successful. If you start with something very easy, then you cannot fail. Who can’t exercise for two minutes? (If you are that, I apologize) And you will feel successful, you will feel good from inside.

With this feeling keep taking more small steps. For example: Add two to three minutes to your exercise routine. With each step (and each step should last at least a week), the more successful you’ll feel. Keep each step very short and you will not fail. After two months, your small steps will bring you lots of progress and success.

13. Read about it daily. read about it everyday

When I lose my motivation, I read a book or blog related to my goal. It inspires me and makes me determined. Whatever you read for some reason inspires you in that subject and helps you to focus. So if you can read then read about your goal everyday, especially when you are not feeling motivated.

14. Call for help when your motivation ebbs

there is a problem? Ask for help email me Join any online forum. Find a partner for yourself. Call your mother. It does not mean that who is in front, just tell your problem, it will be helpful for you to talk about it. Ask for their advice. help them to get you out of demotivated state 

15. Think about the benefits, not the difficulties. Think about the benefits not the problems

A common problem is that we think how difficult something is. Exercising sounds very difficult! Thinking about it makes you tired. But instead of thinking about how difficult something is, think about how many benefits it has. For example, instead of thinking how difficult it is to exercise, think how good you will feel after doing it, and how healthy and slimmer you will be in the long run. The benefits of something will energize you.

16. Squash negative thoughts; replace them with positive ones. Let go of negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts

It is important to monitor your thoughts. Identify the negative self-talk you do, which is actually demotivating you. Spend a few days just knowing what negative thoughts you have inside, and then after a few days remove them from inside you like a bug, and then replace them with the corresponding positive thought. If you think, “This is too difficult”, replace it with “I can do this”. If that Leo can do it, so can I! It sounds a bit weird, but it works. Really.



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