20 interesting facts about cats

20 interesting facts about cats

20 interesting facts about cats Welcome friends, today we are going to give some information about cats. Yes, friends, a cat is an innocent-looking animal that is liked by everyone. Everyone likes cats from small to big. Cats are the pet of many people. Top 10 Fact About Cricket

Since the beginning of human civilization, the reasons for which humans had made dogs domesticated, just like that, cats have also been domesticated for some reasons. You must have seen many cats some cats are beautiful and some are fierce too, but let us tell you that cats are more interesting than you think. Read More

So friends, without wasting much time, let’s start this article, we will know some unique things about cats and we will know which one you should pet.

20 interesting facts about cats

1. The group of cats is called ‘Clowder’.

2. The cat has 12-12 hairs on its left and right sides.

3. The DNA of the cat matches up to 95% with the DNA of the tiger.


4. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping. The reason for this is that she releases growth hormones while sleeping.

5. Do you know cats have 3 eyelids? The third eyelid is a small pink and white triangle that can be seen in the corners of his eyes.

6. Cats have much better near vision than distance vision. Night vision is very sharp.


7. Like humans, cats are also right-handed and left-handed.

8. You will be surprised to know that humans are 206 while Delhi’s bones are 230.

9. Cat’s vision is very sharp but do you know that cats cannot see colors properly?

10. Grass looks green to us while cats see it as red.

11. The sleeping power of cats is 14 times more than that of humans.

12. A cat has 30 teeth.

13. Cats can move their ears while standing because there are 32 muscles in their ears. While there are only 6 muscles in the ears of humans, which have to be rotated to rotate.

14. Cat’s ear is very flexible, so it can rotate its ears up to 180 degrees.


15. The cat can move its ears in different directions.

16. Cat can hear sound up to 64 kHz. It can easily hear small sounds. While humans can hear sounds up to 20 Kkz.

17. Cat’s body is very flexible. Cats do not get hurt after falling from a height of 65 meters.

18. The number of cats in the whole world is more than 500 million.

19. Cats and humans have been associated with each other for the last 9500 years.

20. Many people believe that it is inauspicious if a black cat crosses the road. Black cats are considered inauspicious (bad luck) in India as well as in North America.

Cat’s Body Structure – Body Structure of Cat

• The cat has two ears, two eyes, four legs, one mustache, one mouth, and 30 teeth in the mouth. Baby cat has 26 teeth.

• Cat is a very powerful animal. His body is very flexible and strong. The nails in the paws of the feet are sharp.


• The length of the cat can be up to about 46 centimeters. And the physical version can be up to 4 to 5 kgs.

• The cat has a mustache where there are 24 hairs including left and right.

• Cats always like to be quiet. Why does she do Kashi’s work with very low feet?

• Cat’s eyes are light and blue-grey. Its eye looks shiny when seen at night.

• Except for the paws of the cat, fur does not come out anywhere in its body.

• The power of seeing cats is very sharp. The cat can easily accept day or night.

• The power of smell is very sharp. Apart from this, the ability to hear is also many times more than humans. She can feed her ears live only live here and there.



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