35 Fact About China

35 Fact About China

China is the first country in Asia and the second largest economy in the world. China is a country that wants to become the world’s biggest super power, and it also directly competes with America in many fields. China is one of the ancient civilization of the world which is located in the east of the Asian continent. China is also one of the fastest developing countries. China is the third largest country in the world by area. China shares its border with 14 countries including India.

1. The world’s longest traffic jam took place in Shanghai in 2012. This traffic jam was 62 miles long. It took 12 days to clear this traffic.

2. China has taken the Panda species on lease, under this, China has the right over all the species of Panda.

3. About 30 million people live in caves in China. These caves are called ‘yaodongs’. In today’s time, such a large population does not live in caves in any other country.

4. 7 out of 10 Chinese students who went abroad to study do not like to return to China.

5. The highest number of skyscraper buildings in the world are located in China. Skyscrapers are usually those that are more than 150 meters tall and have more than 40 floors.

As of May 2022, there are 2,976 skyscrapers in China. The United States of America (859) comes at number two and India at number 12, which has only 102 buildings.

6. In 2011, a 17-year-old boy named ‘Wang Shangkun’ sold his kidney on the black market to buy an iPhone and iPad.

7. Sunrise occurs at 10:00 am in some parts of China.

8. China’s cities are developing much faster than any other developing countries. According to a study, by the year 2026, China will have 10 cities like New York.

9. China is the largest producer of gold. China produces 11% of the world’s gold.

10. China is also the world’s largest cement producer.

11. Chinese language Mandarin is the most spoken native language in the world.

12. The world’s longest highway sea bridge is ‘hongkong zhuhai bridge’, which is 55 kilometers in length. It connects Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau.

13. In the world, where eggs are boiled in water, in China, in ancient times, eggs were boiled in the urine of boys.

14. A man was sentenced to 12 years in China because he killed and ate the last Chinese tiger. In his defence, the man had said that he had killed her to save himself.

15. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in 2014, for some time in 2014, the world’s largest economy had overtaken America and came at number one.

16. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River located in China are the third and sixth largest rivers in the world.

17. Chinese people consume about 75 million tons of beef, pork and poultry every year.

18. The flag of China shows the unity of China.

19. In China, the death penalty is given to the officers of the company for committing fraud.

20. In terms of giving death penalty, China is on top in the whole world. Where the whole world is moving towards banning the death penalty, China has its own thinking in this matter. In 2005, 1,770 people were executed in China.

21. China is the most populous country in the world. China’s population is 1.43 billion, which accounts for 18.5% of the world’s population.

22. Every year on the occasion of summer solstice, ‘Dog Meat Festival’ is organized in China, in which dogs are killed and eaten. This tradition is about 400 years old.

23. There are so many incidents of suicide in China that there will be a job to remove dead bodies from the river.

24. Paper, toilet paper, ketchup and noodles were invented in China.

25. About 4 million cats are eaten every year in China.

26. An animal is used to represent each month in the Chinese calendar. There are 12 specific animals in China that represent all the months.

27. Most twins in the world are born in China.

28. Hong Kong was ruled by the British from 1841 to 1997 and Macau was ruled by the Portuguese from 1887 to 1999. Both these states are now sovereign territories of China. However, one country two systems policy is followed in these two states, that is, the policies of Mainland China do not apply in these states.

29. In China, students can be jailed for 7 years for cheating or copying in exams.

30. The population of China is divided into two parts from the geographical point of view. The dividing line is called the Heihe–Tengchong Line.

According to 2015 data, 94% of China’s population lives in the eastern part of the line and only 6% in the western part.

31. Even death penalty is given for human trafficking in China.

32. China is the country in the world where maximum number of journalists and internet users are jailed.

33. China has the world’s largest active army, and China’s defense budget is the second largest defense budget in the world after America.

34. The national game of China is table tennis.

35. Chinese people smoke about 50,000 cigarettes every second. The world’s largest cigarette production is in China only.



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