72 Interesting Facts About Facebook in 2023

72 interesting facts about Facebook Friends, there are many social networking sites in the world, but Facebook is considered to be the most famous social site because most people are active on Facebook and many people spend half of their day on Facebook, today I am talking about Facebook in this post. I am going to tell 72 such interesting facts (Amazing Facts About Facebook), knowing that you will be absolutely surprised and by reading these 72 interesting facts about Facebook, you will get to learn a lot about Facebook. These are some interesting facts related to the world’s largest social media site ‘Facebook’, about which you hardly know

1. 83 percent of prostitutes have fan pages on Facebook.

2. Even if you do any other work on the Internet by logging into Facebook account, Facebook is recording all your activities.

3. The decision was taken by Mark to name Facebook’s ‘Like’ button first as ‘Awesome’. But no one listened to Mark.

4. Facebook was started on 4 February 2004.

5. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg takes one dollar every year as salary.

6. Facebook spends $30 million every year only in hosting.

7. Like many features on Facebook, there is also a Poke. But if you ask someone what it means, hardly anyone can tell its meaning. Because even Facebook itself has not decided its meaning or its work. But using it too much can block you.

8. Not directly, but fifty percent of the people who are on the Internet in the whole world are connected to Facebook.

9. If Facebook’s server goes down, it will suffer a loss of $25,000 every minute.

10. Yahoo and MTV wanted to buy this site for one million dollars, then Mark said? First, I will make an open global platform for information exchange, then I will think about profits.

11. You may be surprised to know this, but Facebook addiction is taking the form of a disease. People of all ages around the world are struggling with Facebook addiction disorder. The abbreviation for this disease is FAD. At present, about 350 million people in the world are suffering from FAD.

12. If Facebook was a country, it would be the fifth largest country in the world, after China, India, America and Indonesia.

13. There are about 6 lakh hacker attacks on Facebook daily.

14. In December 2009, Facebook made some changes in the privacy setting, due to which a picture of Zuckerberg holding a teddy bear became public.

15. In 2009, Facebook refused to give a job to Brian Acton, the co-founder of Whatsapp.

16. In 2011, Facebook became the biggest reason for divorce in America. The reason for the breakdown of one out of every 5 marriages in America is connected to Facebook somewhere.

17, You may not know, but the Facebook Globe notification tab) changes according to the location of the users.

18. There is also a special shortcut on Facebook profile to access Mark Zuckerberg’s page. If you write the number 4 in front of Facebook’s URL, your browser will take you directly to Mark Zuckerberg’s page.

19. In 2011, the constitution of Iceland was written with the help of Facebook.

20. The data you typed on Facebook but never posted it, can you imagine that someone can read that data. Yes, Facebook has created a special team that analyzes data that you typed but never posted.

21. If you want to earn money sitting at home, then hack Facebook. Yes, an amount of 500 dollars is given to every person who can hack Facebook. Even if you catch any mistake of Facebook, you will be entitled to the reward.

22.5% of Britons use Facebook even while having sex.

23. There are 30 million dead people on Facebook right now! If a Facebook user dies, does his Facebook profile continue like this? No! If someone we know has died, we can report it to Facebook and make that profile a memorialized account on Facebook.

24. Mark Zuckerberg gets one dollar every year as salary.

25. Facebook website is not only in Hindi and English and some selected languages, users can translate Facebook page into 70 different languages as per their convenience.

26. There is a simple reason behind Facebook being painted blue. Its founder Mark Zuckerberg being color blind. They don’t seem to know the difference between green and red.

27. Due to the privacy settings of Facebook, every user has been given the facility to block, but the thing to note is that even if you want, you cannot block Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook. If you try to do this, an error message will appear from Facebook.

28. 48% people check their Facebook account as soon as they wake up in the morning.

29. If you are doing any work in the Internet and your Facebook is logged in, then keep in mind that Facebook records it.

30. About 1,333,000,000 people use Facebook in a month, in which the number of mobile users is said to be about 684 million.

31. Since Facebook launched, there have been about 171 billion friend connections and an average of 298 billion photos uploaded, 1.30 trillion likes.

32. About every 20 minutes 1 lakh 7 thousand links are shared on Facebook and 3 million or more messages are sent and 2 million friends are requested.

33. The number of men on Facebook is 42% but other social network sites like google+ pinterest have more male users than women.

34. The 5 most popular brands on Facebook in the US are Walmart, Target, Samsung Mobile USA, Amazon and Subway.

35. During Facebook’s first summer, the Zuckerberg family spent $85,000 to keep the company afloat.

36. On 19 February 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp.

37 More than 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day.

38. Like WhatsApp, Facebook has also been banned in China. China had banned Facebook in 2009, due to which 95 million users of Facebook were reduced in a single day.

39. Facebook had found out in one of its reports that there were 145 million fake accounts on Facebook and the special thing is that the credit for creating most of the fake accounts goes to us Indians only.

40. The most enigmatic female engineer of Facebook is Ruchi Sanghvi of India. It was he who gave the idea of News Feed to Facebook.

41. When Facebook was formed in February 2004, its name was thefacebook.com. After a year i.e. in the year 2005, Mark removed the from it and named it facebook.com. You may be surprised to know that Zuckerberg had to pay $ 2,00,000 to buy the facebook.com domain, which would be equivalent to Rs 1 crore 40 lakhs today.

42. Facebook redesigned its layout in the year 2007, in which it used the photo of a man, which was then known as “Facebook Guy”. While it was liked by many, some criticized it as well. A few years ago, David Kirkpatrick in his book “The Facebook Effect” revealed this mysterious figure and told that it was a manipulated photo of famous Hollywood actor Al Pacino which was made by a friend of Mark’s.

43. The Like button that we see on Facebook today was not always called like. Before 2007 it was called Awesome.

44. 300 Petabytes i.e. 300 million GB of data is filled in Facebook’s servers. You can find out how much this data is from the fact that in the entire human history, including all the languages of the world, all the books that have been written also fit in only 50 Petabytes.

45. Due to using more Facebook, people often get a mental disorder called- Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD). In this, people get used to using Facebook too much.

46. Facebook initially gave a feature called WireHog, through which people could share any type of file (like pdf, photo, video, etc.) with their friends. But then later in 2006 Facebook shut it down after some privacy concerns.

47. In the beginning, Facebook could be used only by students of famous colleges in America and employees of famous companies, which included big names like Harvard and Apple, Microsoft, Intel and Amazon. After September 2006, Facebook opened to everyone and after just one year, Facebook crossed the figure of 50 million users.

48. If you use Facebook a lot, then maybe you are aware that there is a feature called Poke on Facebook which does not mean anything. When Zuck was asked about this feature, what does Poke mean, his answer was something like this – “We thought why not make a feature that does not have any special meaning and people can use it to talk to each other just like that.” Can only bother.” This mysterious feature of Facebook is often used to nudge and flirt with friends.

49. Mark Zuckerberg has described himself as a Harvard graduate on his Facebook profile which is not entirely correct as Zuck did not complete his degree and dropped out of college to pursue Facebook. Once when he was asked about this he said- “It is completely true and I am aware of this issue but what is it that there is no setting for Dropouts on Facebook profile so I had to write graduate only. ”

50. Facebook spends about 100 million dollars every month i.e. about 7 billion rupees only in the work of storing users’ data i.e. Server Hosting.

51. An average of 8 new accounts are created on Facebook every second and 7,246 in 15 minutes! These statistics show how popular Facebook is.

52. In the year 2015, 22% of the revenue of the ads seen while running the Internet on mobiles went to Facebook’s account. That is, if all the tech companies around the world earned 100 rupees by showing ads on mobile, then Facebook alone earned 22 rupees in that.

53. More than two lakh advertisers give their ads on Facebook.

54. As a user, facebook does not take any money from us. But you may be surprised to know that Facebook earns an average of 600 rupees from us in a year by showing us ads.

55. People interact 88% more with the posts made on Facebook between 10 to 11 pm. At the same time, on an average, people interact 162% more with the posts that have a question mark (?) at the end.

56. The most shared content on Facebook is Videos. On average, a video is shared 90 times on Facebook and more than 75% of views on videos come from mobile devices only.

57. Facebook is rapidly reducing the organic reach of its posts. Simply put, now our posts do not reach all our friends. The more people interact with our post, the more people it reaches. Facebook is doing this so that marketers can use its ads. For this, Facebook has also created a separate platform Facebook Business.

58. If you post 1 or 2 times a day, your post reaches 40% more people. On the other hand, if you post 3 or more times a day, then your post reaches very few people.

59. Facebook monitors your every movement method just like Google.

60. More than 1.8 million likes come every minute on Facebook.

61. There was a time when the maximum number of users in the world on Facebook were from America, but now India has left America far behind.

62. The first Indian woman to join Facebook was Shila Tandrashekhara Christian.

63. If Facebook server slows down, Facebook will suffer an average loss of $25,000 per minute.

64. Mark Zuckerberg wanted to name the Facebook like button as awesome, but he did not pay much attention to it, after which this icon is still known as the like button.

65. Facebook is attacked by hackers equal to about 6 lakhs.

66. About 7.5 million websites on the Internet have share buttons for social sites like Facebook.

67. As of September 2013, the percentage of 15 to 34-year-olds on Facebook is about 66% and the strangest thing is that 45% of users 65 or older are on Facebook, as well as 70% of users on Facebook are friends with their parents. .

68. Between the years 2012 and 2013, there has been a 22 percent increase in the population of Facebook users.

69. The first female engineer to work on Facebook is Ruchi Shanghvi, who gave 2 of the news feed on Facebook.

70. The population of the state of California is 41% in contact with Facebook, while Texas is number 2 on Facebook with 9 million users and New York is at number 3 with 8 million.

71. This addiction of Facebook is taking the form of a disease. People of all ages in the world are struggling with Facebook addiction. The name of this addiction is FAD and at present about 360 million people in the world are suffering from FAD disease.

72. Facebook was started on 4 February 2004, which has become one of the most popular networking sites of social media without taking much time.


Indians create maximum fake accounts

A report was issued by Facebook in November. In this report, the company said that 143 million accounts are fake. Most of these fake accounts are created from India.

* First Indian on Facebook

Sheela Tandrashekhara Krishan was the first Indian-origin woman to join Facebook

Facebook’s first female engineer

Ruchi Sanghvi is the first female engineer to work on Facebook.



1. What is Facebook? What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social media platform on which we can send friend request to any person and make friendship with him. On Facebook, we can share photos and videos as well as chat. Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world.


2. When and where was Facebook established? When was Facebook founded?

Facebook was founded on 4 February 2004 in America.


3. Who is the founder of Facebook? Who is the founder of Facebook?

Facebook was created by 5 people together-

1. Mark Zuckerberg

2. Andrew McCullum

3. Eduardo Saverin

4. Dustin Moskovitz

5. Chris Hughes

Founders of Facebook

Although the main contribution in this was from Mark Zuckerberg. That’s why he is often considered the founder of Facebook.



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