Do you know about that island of India? where no one can go 2023

North Sentinel Island is an island in the Andaman Islands of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is situated in the Bay of Bengal. Administratively it is a part of South Andaman district. In the last few years, the island of India has been frequently asked in competitive examinations. This is such an island, which comes under the rule of India. The government conducts a census here. Human beings have been living for about 60 thousand years. But if you want to go to that island, you cannot go. A few years back an American man had also gone, but could not come back.

Andaman and Nicobar is part of

We are talking about North Sentinel Island. It is an island of the Andaman Islands located in the Bay of Bengal. This island comes under the South Andaman district. But no one is allowed to go here. The main reason behind this is the tribe found here,who has no contact with this world yet.

The sentinel tribe lives here

The Sentinelese tribe living on this island has not faced any external attack till date. These people are of short stature. According to the research, based on their texture and linguistic similarities, they are said to belong to the Jarawa community. It is also told through carbon dating that the presence of this tribe dates back to 2,000 years ago. It is also claimed that the presence of man on this island is from 60 thousand years ago.

Can’t take a photo

The Government of India issued the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Protection of Aboriginal Tribes) Regulation, 1956 to protect the tribes. Since then, there is a ban on the entry of any person other than the administration in this area. Even taking photographs or making a film is a crime under the law. It is said that these people behave hostilely towards outsiders. For the last time in the year 1991, the people of the tribe took some coconuts from the administration team. Since then there has been no special contact.

How many people live on this island?

Like the common Indian people, the government also conducts the census of these people. The last census was done in the year 2011, in which 15 Sentinelese people were found. There were three women and 12 men in it. However, it is estimated that there may be 40-400 people on the island at this time.


The island has a population of about 40 as of the 2001 census. An uncontacted people, believed to be between 400 and 5,000 individuals, have lived on North Sentinel Island for 60,000 years and speak the Sentinel language.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Protection of Aboriginal Tribes Act 1956 prohibits travel to the island and any approach closer than five nautical miles (9.26 km) to protect the tribal community from foreign diseases, which do not confer any immunity to them. , The area is patrolled by the Indian Navy.

Normally, the island comes under the South Andaman administrative district, which is part of the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In practice, Indian officials recognize the islanders’ desire to live alone and limit their role to remote monitoring; They don’t prosecute people for killing them. This island is a protected area of India. In 2018, the Indian government, in a major effort to boost tourism, excluded 29 islands – including the North Sentinel – from the Restricted Area Permit (RAP) regime. In November 2018 the government’s Home Office stated that the purpose of easing the prohibition was to allow researchers and anthropologists with pre-approved clearance to visit the Sentinel Islands.

The Sentinels have repeatedly attacked incoming ships. Such attacks have resulted in the deaths of two fishermen in 2006 and John Allen Chau, an American Christian missionary, in 2018.



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