How to Make Money on YouTube in 2023

How to make money on YouTube

How to Make Money on YouTube in 2023

Check out these 5 tips on how to make money on YouTube (as well as 3 bonus tips on how to grow your YouTube revenue even faster)how yn

Do you want to know how to make money on YouTube? Whether you want to start a side-hustle or turn to YouTube full-time as an entrepreneur, this blog post is for you. In this guide, creators will learn the steps required to make and monetize a successful YouTube channel. From setting up the channel, generating content that appeals to an audience, and understanding different ways of earning money from your videos — everything is covered right here for you.


1. Become a YouTube partner.

2. Sell products or merchandise.

3. Affiliate marketing.

4. Get paid by fans.

5. License your content.

Tips for growing YouTube revenue faster.

Monetize directly through YouTube.

Monetizing directly through YouTube allows content creators to earn revenue from the videos they produce. This monetization option is available for any video creator who has achieved over 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. But while watch time is crucial, it really comes down to subscribers — more subscribers means more money. To get started with the money-making process, a creator must have at least 1,000 subscribers on their channel. When this threshold is met, the creator can apply for monetization status through YouTube. Advertisers then pay for the ad space on videos, and the money is shared with the creator of the video.

YouTube Channel Memberships are a great way to make money on the platform – however, there is an eligibility requirement. This feature is available to all channels with at least 100,000 subscribers and allows viewers to pay a monthly subscription fee in exchange for exclusive members-only content, perks, and other benefits. To set up a Channel Membership, YouTubers need to add rewards that they can offer their members and adjust the settings such as the price point, timeframe, and more. Once live, it’s important to promote your Channel Membership on your channel as well as other social media platforms. With the right approach, YouTube channel memberships can be an effective way for you to build relationships with your viewers and monetize your channel.

YouTube Premium is another effective way for YouTubers to make money. With YouTube Premium, viewers pay a monthly subscription fee in exchange for ad-free viewing and access to exclusive content. As such, YouTubers can create content that they know will draw in premium subscribers while still earning revenue from the ad views on their regular videos. To maximize the advantages of YouTube Premium, YouTubers need to understand how the feature works, optimize their content accordingly, market their channel, and engage with their audience regularly.

Many creators start out without any expectations or goals when it comes to monetizing their channel, but understanding how much a creator makes per 1,000 YouTube views on their account can help them set realistic expectations for their channel growth and income.

On average, a creator can earn

approximately $2 to $5 per 1,000 views on YouTube. This number varies depending on the type of content being created and the topic of the video, but it’s a good indication of what a creator can expect to make from their channel.

1. Become a YouTube partner.

Musicians who wish to monetize through their YouTube account must create an official artist channel. This is because YouTube requires all channels wishing to monetize their videos to be verified, and artist channels are the only type of channel that can be verified. To apply for verification, a channel must meet certain requirements, such as having a large enough audience and producing consistent content. Once a channel has been verified, they can become eligible for the YouTube Partner Program. The Partner Program allows creators to receive a portion of the revenue generated from ads placed on their videos and additional promotional opportunities.

Non-musicians who would like to monetize their YouTube channel must meet certain requirements, like the 1,000-subscriber requirement. Once approved, the creator can start earning money from their videos. Additionally, YouTube allows creators to sell merchandise through their channels and to join an affiliate program which offers additional income potential.

To apply for monetization and start making money from your YouTube channel, it is necessary to have an AdSense account. This account is a Google-run service that allows content creators to receive payments from YouTube for the revenue generated from ads placed on their videos.

To set up a Google AdSense account, you must first have a Google account. Once the Google account has been set up, you can apply for an AdSense account and follow the steps to link your YouTube channel to it.

It is essential to meet YouTube’s requirements and agree to their rules. It is also important to abide by YouTube’s policies and guidelines to ensure that your channel does not get into any trouble.

To monetize, you must gain approval from YouTube first. To do this, you apply for monetization status. The application will require detailed information about your channel and its content, including creativity, originality, and authenticity. Your application will also be assessed based on the criteria set by YouTube’s Terms of Service. Once your application is approved, you can start earning money from your YouTube channel.

When you monetize your content on YouTube and apply for monetization status through their partner program, you must agree to give YouTube full rights and ownership over your content. You are allowing them to distribute and display your videos, as well as host advertisements that generate revenue. As a part of this agreement, you are agreeing not to use any copyrighted material or offensive language in your videos. In addition, you must ensure that all advertiser policies and guidelines set by YouTube are observed when creating content. Failure to comply with these rules can result in removal from the platform or have other consequences imposed by YouTube.

2. Sell products or merchandise.

Deciding what to sell on a YouTube channel can be a big decision for creators, as it involves committing to producing content that appeals to an audience and is monetizable. When selecting products or merchandise for sale, creators should keep in mind the type of content they produce and their target audience. For example, if a creator has a cooking channel, they could consider selling kitchenware, cookbooks, or cooking-themed t-shirts.

Once the products or merchandise have been selected, creators must then decide how to promote them. The most effective way to advertise products is through integrated YouTube marketing campaigns that include video content and ads. Creators can also use their channel descriptions, end screens, and other features to direct viewers to the products they are selling. Creators can also join affiliate programs to earn additional income from their videos, such as the Amazon affiliate program. Affiliate marketing is a great and easy additional source of income on YouTube.

Setting up an e-commerce shop can be a daunting task, but with the help of an e-commerce platform, it can be made easier. E-commerce platforms provide the necessary tools to build a shop and manage its operations. They provide comprehensive features such as website builders, payment gateways, shipping integrations, and more.

When setting up an e-commerce shop, creators should remember to optimize it for their target audience. This means ensuring that the site is easy to navigate and that its content is engaging and informative. They will also need to ensure that payment methods are secure and user data is protected.

When selecting an e-commerce platform, it is important to determine which tools will be most helpful in achieving success. Print-on-demand services, for example, can provide content creators with a way to offer their products without having to pre-purchase and store large amounts of stock. This cost-effective and efficient solution makes it easier for creators to focus on creating content.

Monetize through outside sales and partnerships.

One of the most popular ways to monetize a channel is through outside sales and partnerships. This includes selling products or merchandise directly, joining affiliate programs, and partnering with other brands for promotional opportunities. By taking advantage of these options, content creators can increase their income potential significantly. However, it is important to understand the requirements and monetization policies associated with each option in order to maximize one’s earning potential while staying within YouTube’s guidelines.

3. Affiliate marketing.

Choosing affiliates that align with your interests and values is an important part of monetizing your channel. It’s important to select partners and products that fit within the scope of your content, as well as those that reflect your own values and moral compass. By selecting informed partners that match your vision, you can ensure that you are properly representing yourself and your brand in the marketplace.

Working with influencers is an increasingly popular way for YouTubers to make money and grow their channels. Influencer marketing involves leveraging the reach of popular personalities on social media to promote products or services. To successfully launch an influencer campaign, YouTubers need to identify influencers who are a good match for their brand, then craft attractive offers that are appealing to these influencers. This can involve offering monetary compensation, free product samples, exposure on the YouTuber’s channel, or any combination of these incentives. Working with influencers can be a great way to boost engagement and drive sales for your business.

YouTube allows content creators to include affiliate links in their video descriptions, allowing them to earn a commission for each purchase made through those links. This is an effective way for creators to generate additional income from their videos through sponsorships without having to rely solely on ad revenue.

When including affiliate links in your video descriptions, it’s important that they fit within the scope of your content and reflect your moral compass. By doing so, you can ensure that you are properly representing yourself and your brand when promoting products or services through these affiliate links.

Adding affiliate links in pinned video comments is another great way to monetize. This method allows content creators to earn a commission for each purchase made through the link they have added in the comment section of their videos.

To include an affiliate link in your pinned video comments, you must first find an appropriate partner and create a referral link for them. Once you have created the referral link, you can then add it as part of your comment when posting on any of your videos. By doing this, viewers will be able to click on the link and make purchases from which you will receive commissions. When done with care, these kinds of sponsorships can be quite lucrative.

The YouTube Community tab is a great way for content creators to engage with their audience, showcase the content they produce, and promote affiliate links. Affiliate links can be included in the text of each post or in the comments section of a post. This is a great way for creators to monetize their channels and generate additional income from their videos, while also providing a way to engage directly with subscribers.

4. Get paid by fans.

Crowdfunding is an effective way for content creators to monetize their YouTube channels and generate additional income. In a nutshell, it’s when fans voluntarily contribute funds to support the production of content, or to help fund a creator’s particular project. Fan funding can be done through platforms such as Patreon, Kickstarter, or GoFundMe. Crowdfunding provides both short-term and long-term income for content creators and allows them to build relationships with their fans.

When setting up a crowdfunding campaign, it’s important to make sure that you are offering something of value in return for your fans’ support. For example, you can offer exclusive access to new videos or behind-the-scenes content and ask for donations in return. Additionally, you can create rewards tiers that provide fans with incentives for donating larger amounts. This could include early access to videos or exclusive merch.



YouTube Live Chats allow content creators to engage with their viewers in real-time. One such feature is YouTube Super Chat, which allows fans to pay to have their messages highlighted and pinned to the top of the chat window. Through this feature, content creators can generate additional income while also providing a unique experience for their fans.

A well-crafted donation campaign can appeal to an audience’s emotions and inspire them to donate money in support of their favorite content creator. Creators should begin by identifying their target audience and setting a realistic financial goal for the campaign. They should also create creative and engaging content that explains the purpose of the campaign and how donations will be used. Finally, creators must ensure that they have all the necessary legal documents and licenses when asking for donations.

5. License your content.

Licensing your content can be a great way to monetize your channel and generate income. It allows you to protect the intellectual property of your videos while also making them available for commercial use by other parties, such as broadcasters or streaming services.

One of the most effective ways to monetize your YouTube channel is through media outlets paying for viral videos. This involves creating content that has the potential to go viral, or become hugely popular, and then selling it to media outlets who will use it in their own programming or advertising campaigns. In this way, content creators can generate more income from the videos they have created.

When selling viral videos, content creators must be aware of YouTube’s terms and conditions. They should also ensure that their videos meet all applicable copyright laws and acquire any necessary permissions or licenses before beginning the process of licensing their content. Also, they should make sure to get a contract in place with any media outlets that are interested in purchasing the content.

Applying for a copyright license for your YouTube videos is an important step in protecting and monetizing your content. With the right license, you can ensure that others can’t reuse or repost your original creations without compensating you.

Before applying for a copyright license, it’s important to understand how copyright works and what types of licenses are available. The most common type of copyright license is a Creative Commons (CC) license, which allows content creators to grant permission for others to use their work as long as they follow certain conditions. This includes attributing the original creator and not using the content for commercial purposes without prior permission. While it’s possible to apply for a CC license for free, there are also other types of copyright licenses that may be more suitable for certain types of content.

Another option for creators is to join a video rights marketplace. A video rights marketplace allows content creators to license their videos out to broadcasters and streaming services, allowing them to earn royalties from the use of their content. This type of marketplace offers a variety of benefits that can help content creators capitalize on their content and make the most out of their channels.

Tips for growing YouTube revenue faster.

There’s always the question of learning how to maximize revenue potential and grow YouTube income faster. There are many strategies that content creators can use to increase their subscription base and bring in more money, such as creating high-quality content, leveraging collaborations, and optimizing ads.

1. Focus on video types that are easy to monetize.

When it comes to making effective, profitable content, how-to and tutorial videos are one of the best options for YouTube creators. These types of videos can provide viewers with helpful information, such as instructions on how to do something, or tips on using a specific product or service. Not only can this type of content help creators grow their YouTube income more quickly, but it can also provide them with more earnings as viewers purchase products and services through their recommendations.

Creating product reviews is another excellent option. Providing honest opinions about products and services can help content creators capture the attention of potential buyers and encourage them to purchase the products they have reviewed. Product reviews can be monetized through affiliate links.

Unboxing videos are a great way to show off products and give viewers an inside look at what they can expect to find when they unbox a new item. By creating unboxing videos, content creators can provide potential customers with valuable information about a product and increase sales.

When creating unboxing videos, it’s important to focus on providing viewers with an informative yet entertaining experience. This means including not only visuals of the product but also details such as features, benefits, and other aspects that make it unique. Also, content creators should ensure that their video is well-lit, has clear audio quality, and offers close-up shots of the product so that viewers can get a better understanding of what they are buying.

Creating “best of” videos is a great way for content creators to showcase their favorite pieces of work and engage with viewers. These types of videos can provide an opportunity to highlight the best parts of a video or series, as well as offer insight into why these moments are so special.

When creating “best of” videos, it’s important to consider the audience and what they would like to see in such a compilation. The content should be tailored to capture the attention of your intended audience and make sure that they remain engaged. It’s also important to ensure that featured moments are relevant so that viewers can appreciate their significance within the context of the overall video or series.

When creating “best of” videos, including behind-the-scenes footage or interviews with cast members can also add another layer of engagement for viewers. This type of content provides valuable insight into how certain scenes were made and gives audiences an inside look at candid footage from production sets or locations where filming took place. By including this type of additional material, creators can give fans an even more detailed understanding about their favorite moments from the video or series being highlighted in the “best of” video.

YouTube Shorts is YouTube’s latest

innovation that allows content creators to make short-form videos. These videos can be as short as 15 seconds and are designed to be watched quickly and easily on mobile devices. As such, they offer an alternative form of content creation for those who prefer creating shorter pieces of content.

One of the benefits to creating Shorts is that they can help increase your YouTube channel’s viewership and engagement, which in turn can lead to more views and subscribers. Better yet, YouTube has announced plans to monetize these videos with ads, giving creators the opportunity to generate revenue from their content.

2. Invest in higher video quality.

Investing in the right equipment is essential for content creators to produce high-quality videos and grow their YouTube income. This includes investing in cameras, tripods, microphones, and lighting to capture the best quality images and audio possible. Cameras should feature advanced optics and resolution capabilities, while tripods should have adjustable legs and be lightweight enough to be easily transported.

Content creators should also consider investing in a high-quality microphone that is able to capture clear audio and provide viewers with an immersive viewing experience. Additionally, using the right lighting equipment can help ensure that videos are well-lit and properly expose all of the details in each scene. This can make a huge difference in the production value of a video and can be especially helpful for content creators who want to create videos in different environments or with varying levels of light.

Finally, investing in video-editing apps or software is essential for content creators to produce high-quality videos that attract more viewers. These types of apps and software allow users to add effects and transitions, adjust colors, and make other changes to their videos before publishing them online.

3. Make sure you’ve optimized your entire channel.

Asking viewers to subscribe to a YouTube channel is one of the most effective ways for content creators to monetize their content and grow their audience. It can provide an additional source of income, help content creators increase viewership, and create an engaged community of viewers who are invested in the success of their channel.

One way to ask viewers to subscribe is by creating a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each video. This CTA should be short, clear, and concise, and provide viewers with an easy way to click on the subscribe button. Content creators should place CTAs throughout their videos to encourage viewers to stick around and watch more of their content.



Content creators should also optimize the homepage of their YouTube channel by including a well-crafted description, profile picture, and banner that accurately reflect the theme and purpose of their channel. This is important for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes as well as to create an inviting atmosphere for viewers who are interested in exploring more of their content.

Content creators should also consider providing viewers with bonus content to encourage them to subscribe. This can include exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, bonus videos, or even discounts on channel-related merchandise. These strategies are a great way for content creators to reward loyal subscribers and keep them engaged with their channel and are all effective in helping to grow an audience.

Building a sense of community is essential to growing a successful YouTube channel and generating more revenue. By engaging with viewers, content creators can shape an active community that encourages ongoing viewership and supports the growth of their channel.

One way to facilitate engagement with viewers is by responding to comments on videos. This can help build a relationship between content creators and their audience and show viewers that they are being heard. Also, content creators should host live streams or Q&A sessions to give viewers an opportunity to interact with them in real time.

Creating a recognizable brand is essential for content creators who want to grow their YouTube income and attract more viewers. Developing a consistent brand identity can help content creators differentiate themselves from the competition and create an engaging atmosphere for viewers. Keep your brand consistent across the various social media channels – consider promoting your YouTube channel on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, or any other social media channel that your audience tends to utilize.

One of the most important components of establishing a successful brand is making an eye-catching YouTube logo, banner art, and other graphics that reflect the theme and purpose of the channel. As viewers come to recognize this, they will be more likely to subscribe and watch more videos on their channel, resulting in a larger viewership and increased revenue.

Creating a custom URL on YouTube is an excellent way to make a channel more recognizable and increase its chances of being found by potential viewers. By customizing the URL, content creators can make their channel stand out from the competition and encourage more people to visit and subscribe. Plus, a custom URL makes it easier for viewers to remember the name of the channel, making it more likely that they will return to watch additional content.

Creating custom channel trailers is a great way for content creators to engage both current subscribers and potential viewers. By crafting two separate trailers — one for subscribers and one for non-subscribers — content creators can capture the attention of both audiences and encourage them to watch more of their videos.

For non-subscribers, creating a trailer that offers an overview of the channel and its content is an effective way to pique interest and encourage viewers to subscribe. This type of trailer should be short, attention-grabbing, and provide viewers with an easy understanding of what they can expect from the channel.

For current subscribers, a trailer featuring highlights or clips from past videos can be a great engagement tactic since it reminds them why they subscribed to the channel in the first place.

Creating eye-catching thumbnails for videos is an essential part of branding a YouTube channel and growing viewership. Thumbnails are the first thing that viewers see when they scroll through YouTube, which makes them incredibly important in terms of making viewers click on a video. Creating thumbnails that stand out from the competition can be the difference between getting a viewer to watch a video or skipping it altogether.

To create attractive thumbnails, content creators should use bright colors, interesting fonts, and graphics that accurately reflect the theme of their channel. Additionally, thumbnails should feature high-quality images and be sized properly so that they are visible on all devices.

Creating clickable subscription tools in YouTube videos is a great way for content creators to get more subscribers and grow their YouTube income. By adding an interactive element to their videos, content creators can provide viewers with an easy way to subscribe and stay updated on new content. YouTube’s clickable subscription tools allow content creators to easily add interactive elements such as pop-ups and subscribe buttons to their videos with just a few clicks.

Releasing videos on a consistent schedule is an important part of generating YouTube income and getting more viewers. By providing regular content, creators can build a loyal fanbase and keep viewers engaged with their videos. Having a consistent release schedule also helps to establish the channel as a reliable source of content and makes it easier for viewers to remember when new videos will be available.

Creating a successful, monetized YouTube channel takes hard work, dedication, and an understanding of how to leverage the platform’s features. From investing in higher video quality to using creative assets such as royalty-free music and stock video footage, content creators should consider all aspects when creating their videos. Additionally, optimizing their entire channel for SEO purposes and providing viewers with bonus content can help keep them engaged with the channel. Finally, releasing videos on a consistent schedule is key for growing viewership and income from YouTube ad revenue. By following these tips, content creators can create high-quality videos that will attract more viewers and grow their YouTube income faster than ever before.

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